Back Again

Back Again


I hope you and your families are all well during these troubling times.

I’ve been off air for almost 5 years. I’ve long been thinking about resuming the website. The truth is that I’ve been so focused on writing my novel and my family responsibilities that I let the website slip. There’s no excuses really; even a few lines a couple of times a week would’ve been some kind of commitment. But, still, time has passed and I’m more wiser and committed in my writing endeavours these days.

Over the past few years I’d played around with the kind of book that I’d wanted to write. Short stories have always been my main medium and I’ve put together a good number to publish. Yet, in 2016 I became addicted to hiking with my friends. In the next two years we went on some amazing journeys around the UK. I began keeping a journal and by the time we completed Ben Nevis in 2018, I concluded that I had enough material to put a book together on our countryside adventures.

Certain factors impeded me, though, in completing my work: I’m terrible at following directions and even worse at becoming lost; plus, I’m terrified of heights whilst having a love of high up places. Such matters slowed my progress mightily and, at times, my work almost ground to a halt. However, much-needed wisdom came to me after some time and rather than see those above-mentioned concerns as blocks to completing my novel, I used them in my writing to fuel me onward to finally sending a completed manuscript to my developmental editor about three weeks ago.

Since then, I’ve been focusing on learning about self-publishing. I’ve read books and watched a fair number of YouTube videos on the subject. It’s like taking a university course again. I’d been so focused in getting my novel in for the developmental stage that I now see that I’ve neglected other areas that I should’ve tended to. I’m putting these down to rookie mistakes and over the coming weeks and months I’ll try and sharpen up.

Now, I’m armed with a self-publishing checklist and a backpack full of commitment to see everything through to completion. I hope to share my progress and insights of my journey to self-publishing here and to make connections with other avid writers and readers across the globe.

Again, I’m really sorry it’s taken me so long to post something up, but I’ll check in again real soon. And I can’t wait to check out other people’s posts.

Wishing you all peace and good health.

See ya soon 😊

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