As January is almost up, I thought I’d check in with a review of my progress. I came out kicking and screaming into the world of WordPress like a new born baby. But I have been nurtured through the Blogging 101 course and advice from other bloggers to become a functioning teenager.
Being on WordPress has made me more productive in my own writing: I’ve revisited old stories and done major re-edits; I’ve catalogued my exercises in writing books into an easy at-a-glance reference to improve productivity too.
From the beginning of February I’ll be posting up stories more regularly – I’ve put up one story and a poem so far – as I was deliberately using January just to find my feet and get an idea of how the website would take shape. I’m in the process of putting reviews on some creative writing books up too.
Today, I took the bold step of contacting a proofreader/editing service. Recent articles I had read elsewhere said that this is one of the best ways to improve writing. I think that this will be a good platform to give more of an edge to my stories.
I’ve even started to see the value in articles like this that I write: I’m putting something out there and it keeps me in a writing frame of mind. Even when I can’t come up with fresh story ideas, blogging is keeping me productive.
One of the real bonuses of being on WordPress (as well as the opportunity to do a myriad of courses via the Blogging University) is connecting with people. There is a real sense of community and a lot of encouragement too. It’s been great sharing experiences with other bloggers.
I’m looking forward to February already!
Me too, Wayne! The sentiments you shared about blogging 101, and the process of blogging in general, were right on! Couldn’t have written it better myself if I tried. Look forward to February, blogging 201, and keeping up with all the friends I’ve made.
WordPress is a great place. Hope you have a good February too
February has come and is nearly gone and I’ve made some significant progress. I’m writing more often; created a weekly feature, and looking forward to each new sunrise. See you around the blogosphere!
Hi Bethie, Glad the progress is going well. February has been a good writing month for me too. I’m really enjoying the poetry course too. Good luck with your writing
Hi. I have nominated you in the Liebster Award!
Hopefully it gives you an interesting blogging challenge:)
Hi, thanks a lot. I really appreciate that. I will work on this over the weekend. Hope you have a good weekend too. Thanks again, Wayne