Daily Prompt: Book of My Life

In response to The Daily Post’s writing prompt: “Your Life, the Book.”

*** I often wonder what future generations of my family might think of me. Here is an excerpt from a book that will be published in the year 2090 by a descendant of Bruce Campbell after not so lengthy interviews with my great granddaughter Ruth. ***

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Shards of light pierced through the tattered curtains, giving Ruth the chance to carve a pathway through the hordes of boxes and bric-a-brac. The attic had been empty a long time now, past memories buried under piles of dust.

Ruth made out three leather-bound books perched on top of a vanity table. She shone her torch, taking care not to trip over miscellaneous items strewn across the floor. As she wiped the cover of the top book, the title became clear: ‘My Memories And Other Stuff: Volume 1’.

Ruth pulled a dust sheet off a nearby armchair, settled in and opened the cover of the book. Her great grandfather’s face beamed back at her from a photo stuck down on the inside cover. Ruth turned the page, not knowing what she was throwing herself into.

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After pouring through the three lengthy tomes, Ruth straightened herself up and declared, ‘My great granddad was a plonker!’

And she left, never to return.

This Post Has 4 Comments

  1. lilypup

    LOL…I love it. I would not want to know about my descendants and what they thought of me.

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