
That’s February + revolution!

I mentioned a few days ago that I sent a story – the Mystical Marvin one I posted up back in mid-January – for proofreading. I sent it to an author called Jessica Grace Coleman, whose Little Forest mystery series is well worth a read (www.jessicagracecoleman.com).

It’s been a really good exercise comparing my original story with the changes that Jessica has made; I know that this whole experience will be invaluable in helping to develop my writing from now on.

I’m in the process of sending the ‘Good Knight to Love’ poem I put up here in January to ‘poetreecreations’ here on WordPress.

Before blogging on WordPress, I wouldn’t have had the courage to do any of the above. Reading about other writers’ material as well their stories and poems has had a really positive effect on me; and, as I’ve mentioned previously, I’m making myself more accountable to produce work by openly committing myself on WordPress.

I’ll soon put up the revamped version of Marvin. I’ve also written a dark horror story recently which I’m in the process of editing; I’ll have this up by mid-Feb.

So, my writing soul is well and truly activated. Bring on the Febolution!

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