Poem: Reach Out (Ode to WordPress)

Don’t be lost and lonely, don’t despair

There’s this wonderful place where people care

Jump on your laptop, tablet or phone – you’re blessed

Each time you log on to WordPress!

Now, I’ll tell you something that’s really true

When you’re down in the dumps and feeling blue

Put up a post, it’ll help you pull through.

And there’s some other magic that you’ve got to do:

Reach out to others, the reason why we’re here

Is to make the world a better place, to bring some cheer.

Share, gain knowledge, learn of places afar

And see how it brightens your rising star.

WordPress is such a place where these things are achieved

You’ve just got to reach out and believe.

And together a rich and overflowing tapestry we will weave

To help build an empire of eternal peace.


I was inspired to write this poem as it’s Mental Health Awareness week in the UK. WordPress offers the power to be creative, which is so important in assisting a positive outlook. Being able to share and engage with others on WordPress is such a beautiful bonus.

The poem has a rhyming scheme of two rhyming couplets followed by four lines that rhyme in a row. The sequence is repeated twice.

I hope you enjoy it. Please feel free to comment below – it’d be great to hear from you 😊.

This Post Has 5 Comments

  1. João-Maria

    We have, indeed, likely the best poetic community around.

  2. WordPress is the best thing that has happened to me amongst this whole world full of social media platforms. The other platforms though can be helpful but often generates so much anxiety among people. Kids have glued to the screens and there is no play around any more. WordPress feels real where people share ideas, happiness and pain. It is wonderful to blog and show our ideas to people. Happy blogging.

    Best wishes from The Strong Traveller and have a great day

    Do have a look at my blog whenever you find the time. There is some travel and lifestyle content which you may find interesting. Your thoughts will surely be very valuable. Stay connected. 🙂

    1. waynemullane

      It’s true – WordPress does inspire creativity. I’ll definitely have a look at your website too. Hope you have a good week 😊

  3. Happy Panda

    Really thoughtful poem!

    Truly grateful for WordPress during this troubling time. This is where I vent and also get the opportunity to interact with so many others that feel the same way.

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