Writing 201, Day 2:Limerick Poem

Writing 201, Day 2:Limerick Poem

The limerick has to be in regard to any kind of journey and it needs to contain alliteration

There was a girl guide from Guernsey
Who got into her mind not to curtsy
To all passers by
Who’d look her in the eye
And say, ‘You’ve missed the bus to Chertsey.’

This Post Has 4 Comments

    1. waynemullane

      Thanks for the comment , Bethie. Doing the poetry course is challenging and fun. It’s really enjoyable

  1. stu06bloc9

    Hi, enjoyed your Limerick, but in reading it out loud had to add the word last before bus in the final line for it to have the rhythm that keeps it a Limerick, otherwise it falls down at that point – hope you don’t mind me saying so (maybe someone else can read it with limerick rhythm pattern in final line but i just needed that extra word)

    1. waynemullane

      Thanks for the comment. I’ve read it back over and I can see what you mean. It’s good to get feedback because it helps me to improve along the way. Thanks for reading 🙂

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