Be Inspired and Inspire

Do whatever makes you happy.

Write, draw, paint, dance,

Watch a movie, cook a meal,

Work out, make music, knit,

Play games, do gardening.

Sit still if you want to and imagine –

Just don’t let everything that’s going on

Get you down, down, down.

Maintain standards and create,

Bring ideas to life

Or just let them play out in your mind.

Keep in touch with loved ones,

Surprise those most in need.

Share and inspire. Inspire. INSPIRE!

And if today you find yourself bored

Remember that on this day being bored means keeping well and healthy.

(I wrote this poem as a counterattack to the boredom I’d felt in lockdown. Some recent posts I’d read here on WordPress about positive thinking inspired me too. There’s so much power in being creative: it nourishes soul, body and mind. When creativity is shared with family, friends or strangers it can ripple out and have a potently positive effect. But sometimes being bored is okay if we can reframe it and put it in perspective. Stay safe and well, Everybody 😊).

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