Blogging 101: January is Planuary – Responding to the Daily Post

In response to The Daily Post’s writing prompt: “Re-springing Your Step.”

This month I’m having a proper go at getting into the mindset of being a writer. January has been renamed Planuary! Before this month I was committed and eager, but I lacked discipline and structure.

All those loose story ideas in drawers have been amalgamated into one folder. Incomplete stories saved on computer have been re-filed. Restructuring the landscape has shown me that I have more subject matter that I can work with – and I was quite dry in terms of inspiration earlier in the month.

Over this last weekend the latest phase of the new era got under way: cataloging all the exercises in the creative writing books I own. As a result, I’ve created a reference system under headers such as ‘Plot’, ‘Character Development’, ‘Getting Over The Blank Page’, etc. The aims of this at-a-glance guide include making it that bit easier to finish stories and giving me incentive to concentrate on my weak areas.

Planuary has meant that I’ve spent more time than before on focusing on the in-and-outs of creative writing rather than writing actual stories; however, I believe that laying such a foundation will give more essence and depth to my writing.

This Post Has 8 Comments

  1. southp

    I think we are on the same boat. I, as well, am finally trying to organize and getting those long-hunting thoughts out. Wish all the best work 😀

    1. waynemullane

      Thank you! I hope that all your writing endeavours go well too. Good luck!

    1. waynemullane

      Thanks a lot. I’m finding that WordPress is a great use of my time; it keeps me motivated to write as well. Will definitely take a look at your site. Have a good weekend

  2. evolutionofrita

    Happy Planuary! Good luck with all of your creative writing adventures.

    1. waynemullane

      Thank you. Being on WordPress is great as well. Such a good use of time. Have a good weekend

  3. emmalmoore

    I empathize with you. My plan is to get my writing material organized along with other projects I’ve got going. Your post is encouragement to the overwhelmed-me. May you accomplish all your goals this year. Blessings.

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