In response to The Daily Post’s writing prompt: “Third From the Top.”
The third blog on my following list is TheGEorgIAprincESs (
The sentence was ‘The good, the bad, the ugly…’
The Good:
My faith, my family, my friends, country walks, WordPress, My Kindle Fire, Pay day, watching anime on YouTube, that documentary I watched on The Normans last night.
The Bad:
All these wars that are going off around the world- what’s it all leading too?; my current lack of activity on WordPress; similarly, why am I not inspired to do any writing lately?; bananas – they just don’t agree with me; plus, The Normans were, in fact, quite a naughty bunch!
The Ugly
As above in ‘The Bad’. Man, bananas really are a bad thing for me. And The Normans really did upset me!