Oh No, What A Personal Disaster!

Oh No, What A Personal Disaster!

Aargh! Help me, I’ve got writer’s block.

Ideas wrung out like a wet sock.

Mind blanks happen all the time,

I curse, I cry and I whine.

My brain’s jogged off somewhere new –

Watching TV’s the only thing I can do.

I’m not short of bits and bobs to work at,

But I’d rather sleep like a big fat cat.

This is just a phase – been here before

Just stay disciplined, lock the door,

Fight the blank page and let it flow

Find the space to let ideas grow.

This Post Has 6 Comments

  1. "Bethie"

    Going through a major case of writer’s block, Wayne. It seems the only words I can eke out of my brain are for my Friday Feature, and even that isn’t going well. What am I to do??? Frustrated and anxious am I.

    1. waynemullane

      It’s a crazy time Bethie. I’m halfway through a story I want to get finished – and I’ve slumped. I just took off out of town yesterday to get my head clear! WordPress is great at keeping things ticking over, so hopefully I’ll be on track soon. Hope you get things sorted too

  2. JBandTea

    The poem is super cute! I love whimsical poems. I find when I get writer’s block that sometimes writing a little poetry will help getting the words flowing in other works as well.

  3. "Bethie"

    Make you a deal, Wayne….I’ll send positive vibes your way, if you send positive vibes to me. I’m just dried out. I have been working on learning my genealogy and that takes up a lot of my time. Do you think readers would be interested?

    1. waynemullane

      Thanks Bethie, I’ll send those positive thoughts for you to get your work done. Well, I’ve finally completed the first draft of the story I got stuck on – things are moving again. I think people are always interested in geneaology because people are always interested in reading about the lives of others. I think it’s definitely worth putting something on your site. Good Luck!!

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