Today’s Poem: Animal, Concrete, Enjambent

Today’s Poem: Animal, Concrete, Enjambent


Down we climb into the depths,
Long winding paths that intersect
To confuse and befuddle, To leave
Invaders in a muddle. We scamper to
Where we will be safe and warm, and
Protected from wind, heat and storm.
We gather and hoard on what we can
Find, and careful never to stray
Behind. The earth is damp below
Our feet. But this is the place
We call home so sweet. Where we
Snuggle at night, away from the
Noise and the light so bright.

This Post Has 7 Comments

  1. heyrainbows

    I could easily envision this poem. Very nice

  2. Robin

    I love your poem. It paints a picture with words. It has great rhythm and you nailed enjambment.

    1. waynemullane

      Thanks, Robin. I tried to shape it like a rabbit’s ear!

      1. Robin

        I can see that now 🙂

    1. waynemullane

      Hi, thanks a lot for the ping back. I enjoyed reading your reviews of the other poems too.

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